Welcome to Moda Fabrics!

Barbara Brackman

Barbara Brackman

Barbara Blackman has been crazy about quilts since she first encountered them in friends’ midwestern homes as a kid as her New York City family didn’t make quilts. It’s been a hobby, a business and (OK) an obsession ever since.


She’s been designing fabric for Moda for thirty years, specializing in reproduction prints, particularly William Morris repros with an Arts & Crafts flair. She’s currently working on another “Best of Morris” collection reflecting the 19th-century designer’s view of the English meadow ground with flowers large and small and a palette derived from natural shades.


Barbara’s most recent exhibit was the summer, 2022 show at the New England Quilt Museum, “Hospital Sketches: Appliqué Quilts Inspired by Civil War Healthcare Workers,” featuring samplers stitched from the annual Block-of-the-Month patterns she offers on her Civil War Quilts blog where historical blocks are accompanied by historical stories. 


Last year she published the third edition of her Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patters and companion computer program BlockBase+ from Electric Quilt. Since 1979 her index to pattern names and sources has been the go-to resource for information and pattern drafting. 


Barbara loves to blog about quilts. Check out her pages:


Material Culture: Quilts & Fabric Past & Present



Civil War Quilts specializing in quilts, fabric and women’s lives from the era. 




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Style Collection Name Swatch Page JPG Images Free Pattern In Stores
Classic Union Blues fcc_union-blues.pdf jpg_union-blues.zip 2015.03
Classic Richmond Reds fcc_richmond-reds.pdf jpg_richmond-reds.zip 2014.09
Classic Ladies Album fcc_ladies-album.pdf jpg_ladies-album.zip 2014.03
Classic Modernism fcc_modernism.pdf jpg_modernism.zip 2013.12
Classic Morris Modernized fcc_morris-modernized.pdf jpg_morris-modernized.zip 2013.10
Classic The Morris Apprentice fcc_the-morris-apprentice.pdf jpg_the-morris-apprentice.zip 2012.11
Classic Ladies' Legacy fcc_LadiesLegacy_BarbaraBrackman.pdf jpg_LadiesLegacy_BarbaraBrackman.zip 2021.03
Classic Metropolitan Fair fcc_metropolitan-fair.pdf jpg_metropolitan-fair.zip 2012.10
Classic Best Of Morris 2021 fcc_best-of-morris-2021.pdf jpg_best-of-morris-2021.zip 2021.09
Classic Morris And Company fcc_morris-and-company.pdf jpg_morris-and-company.zip 2011.11
Classic Morris Meadow fcc_morris-meadow.pdf jpg_morris-meadow.zip 2023.07
Classic Old Fashioned Calicos fcc_old-fashioned-calicoes.pdf jpg_old-fashioned-calicoes.zip 2011.10
Classic Ebony Suite fcc_ebony-suite.pdf jpg_ebony-suite.zip 2024.03
Classic Lately Arrived From London fcc_lately-arrived-from-london.pdf jpg_lately-arrived-from-london.zip 2011.09
Classic Morris Manor fcc_morris-manor.pdf jpg_morris-manor.zip 2025.03
Classic Civil War Reuinion fcc_reunion.pdf jpg_reunion.zip 2011.02
Classic Baltimore Blues fcc_baltimore-blues.pdf jpg_baltimore-blues.zip 2016.10
Classic The Morris Workshop fcc_the-morris-workshop.pdf jpg_the-morris-workshop.zip 2009.07
Classic Morris Earthly Paradise fcc_morris-earthly-paradise.pdf jpg_morris-earthly-paradise.zip 2016.04
Classic Old Cambridge Pike fcc_old-cambridge-pike.pdf jpg_old-cambridge-pike.zip 2015.12
Classic Alices Scrapbag fcc_alices-scrapbag.pdf jpg_alices-scrapbag.zip 2015.09
Classic The Morris Jewels fcc_the-morris-jewels.pdf jpg_the-morris-jewels.zip 2009.07